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Airknit Shoes

Airknit Shoes

3 total reviews

Regular price €20,00
Regular price €80,00 Sale price €20,00
Sale Sold out
Color: White
Size: 38
  • 100 pĂ€eva lihtne tagastamine

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  • Apple Pay & Paypal

Mugavad vabaaja jalanÔud, mis hingavad, valmistatud kergest AirKnit materjalist ja stabiilsest tallast.

Kui sulle meeldivad Nike AirForce, siis peaksid proovima AirKnit mugavuse suurendamiseks. Kui treenid Converse'i vÔi Vansi jalanÔudega, siis peaksid upgradima AirKnit'ile. Meie jalanÔud hingavad paremini, on kergemad ja kergemini puhastatavad.

  • Valged jalanĂ”ud
  • Hingav AirKnit materjal
  • Stabiilne tall
  • Kinnitatud paelad

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Verified Based on 3 reviews
Iselin Verified buyer

Good Shoes

They are incredibly lightweight and look really good. The sole is soft despite being flat shoes. I use them for strength training. They don’t provide much support over/around the foot, and the sole is a bit narrow (not too much), which sometimes makes it feel like the foot is slipping off a little, but this is minimal. I feel they are normal in size. I could definitely use an extra pair for everyday wear as well.

Sara Verified buyer

Very comfortable and soft shoes!

Incredibly soft and comfortable, and not to mention lightweight on the feet. I would say they are true to size :)

Cornelia Verified buyer

Good shoes for training

Good price