Wall Sit

Wall Sit is an effective isometric exercise that primarily trains the quadriceps , but also activates the gluteal muscles and hamstrings . This exercise is excellent for building muscle endurance in the legs and can be performed without equipment, making it perfect for home workouts.

Correct Execution and Technique

Follow these steps to perform a correct wall sit :

  1. Stand with your back against a wall and your feet hip-width apart, placed approximately 60-90 cm in front of the wall.
  2. Push your back down the wall until your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle, as if you were sitting in a chair.
  3. Keep your back and shoulders against the wall, while keeping your knees directly over your ankles.
  4. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute, or as long as you can, breathing evenly and keeping your core engaged.

Common Errors

To avoid injury and get the best possible effect from the exercise, avoid these mistakes:

  • Knees over the toes: Make sure the knees don't go too far in front of the ankles. Keep them in a straight line across your feet.
  • Not deep enough position: Bend your knees until they are at a 90-degree angle to activate the quadriceps as much as possible.
  • Too short a time: Try to hold the position as long as possible to maximize muscle endurance.

Video: Wall Sit demonstrated by a female practitioner

Alternative technique for Wall Sit

Modifications and Variations

For beginners, you can reduce the time in the wall sit position. For more advanced athletes, you can increase the challenge by holding weights or performing one-legged wall sits to activate more muscle groups.

Repetitions and Sets

Aim to hold the wall sit for 30-60 seconds per set, and do 3-4 sets for muscle endurance.

Breathing technique

Breathe deeply and regularly while holding the position to maintain control and avoid over-tightening the upper body.

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