Side Plank

Side Plank , or Vasisthasana , is a powerful balance position that strengthens the core muscles, arms, shoulders, and legs. This position is also great for improving balance and stability, while strengthening the obliques and contributing to better posture.

Correct technique

How to perform Side Plank :

  1. Start in Plank Pose with the palms pressed into the mat under the shoulders.
  2. Shift your weight to your right hand, roll your upper body onto your right side, and stack your left foot on top of your right.
  3. Stretch your left arm up towards the ceiling and keep your body in a straight line from head to feet.
  4. Engage your core and push your hips up to avoid sinking towards the floor. Keep your balance by using your core muscles.
  5. Hold the position for 3-5 breaths before switching sides.

Common errors

  • Shoulders rotate forward : Make sure your shoulders stay stacked, with your upper body open to the side.
  • Hips sag : Avoid letting your hips sag by actively pushing up from your forearm or hand.
  • Uneven weight distribution : Make sure the weight is distributed evenly through the palm, not just in the wrist.

Modifications and variations

Here are some modifications that can help you master the Side Plank :

  • Supported knee : If it is difficult to balance, you can put the bottom knee on the floor for extra support.
  • Forearm Side Plank : If your wrists get overloaded, you can do the position on your forearm instead of your hand.
  • Advanced variation : Lift the top leg for an extra challenge and deeper activation of the core muscles.

Video demonstrations

1. Step-by-Step Guide to Side Plank (Women)

In this video, the instructor shows how to perform the Side Plank with proper technique and adjustments to improve balance.

2. Learn Side Plank with Variations (Women)

A great guide to learning different variations of the Side Plank for different levels and strength.

Number of repetitions and sets

Hold the position for 5-10 breaths per side, and repeat 2-3 times to strengthen the core, arms and legs. Include this position as part of a strong, balancing yoga session.

Breathing technique

Inhale deeply to lengthen the spine, and exhale as you engage your core muscles and stabilize the position. Focus on steady and controlled breathing to maintain balance.

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