Ett-benet Squat Touchdown

The One-Legged Squat Touchdown is a challenging exercise that strengthens the lower body, especially the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings. This balance and flexibility-focused exercise requires control and good core activation, and is ideal for developing strength in one leg at a time.

Correct Form and Technique

How to perform the One-Legged Squat Touchdown :

  1. Starting position: Stand on one leg with the other leg slightly lifted. Hold your arms in front of your body for balance.
  2. Movement: Bend the knee of the standing leg and lower the body towards the floor, while trying to reach the floor with the opposite hand.
  3. Ascent: Press through the heel of the standing leg and rise back to a standing position. Keep your balance at all times.
  4. Breathe: Exhale when you stand up and inhale when you lower yourself down.

Common Errors

Avoid these common mistakes to ensure proper technique:

  • Crooked back: Make sure to keep your back straight throughout the movement to avoid strain on the lower back.
  • Poor balance: Keep core activated and controlled to maintain balance.

Modifications and Variants

Adapt the exercise to your level:

  • Beginner level: Use a chair for support or reduce the depth of the squat.
  • Advanced level: Hold a dumbbell for extra resistance, or do the exercise on an unstable surface for more of a balance challenge.

Repetitions and Sets

Aim for 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions per leg. This will help you build strength, balance and control.

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