Bear Crawl

Bear crawl is a full-body exercise that strengthens the core muscles , shoulders and legs . This exercise requires balance, strength and coordination, and is ideal both as a warm-up and as part of the main training session. It also improves endurance and body control.

Correct execution and technique

How to perform the bear crawl with the correct technique:

  1. Starting position: Stand on all fours with your hands placed directly under your shoulders and your knees slightly raised from the ground.
  2. Keep your body low: Keep your back straight and your hips in a neutral position. Avoid lifting your hips too high.
  3. Move forward: Move your right hand and left foot forward simultaneously, then your left hand and right foot. Continue this cross motion forward.
  4. Core stability: Keep the core muscles activated to prevent the hips from twisting during the movement.

Common errors

Be aware of the following common errors:

  • High hips: Make sure to keep your hips low to get the most activation of your core muscles.
  • For fast movement: Perform the movements in a controlled manner for better activation and stability.
  • Poor coordination: Remember to move the opposite hand and foot at the same time to maintain balance.

Modifications and variants

To vary or increase the difficulty, try:

  • Reverse bear crawl: Crawl backwards for an extra challenge on coordination.
  • Lateral bear crawl: Move sideways to train your core in a different way.
  • Bear crawl with resistance: Use a resistance band around your knees to increase the intensity.

Repetitions and sets

For endurance, perform bear crawls for 30-60 seconds or 10-20 meters. Repeat 3-4 sets for full effect.

Video Demonstration

Watch this video for a detailed guide to the bear crawl focusing on proper form and technique.

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